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Link Upon Engineering Plastic Screws range from lightweight to low carbon footprint, with World-class competitiveness.

Carbon neutrality and net-zero carbon emissions are the most important goals for the next 30 years. Major industrial nations and large corporations are seeking ways to accelerate decarbonization, striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, propose environmental solutions, and implement green manufacturing processes. 

The growing demand for semiconductors is driven by the development of AI and digital technology, the expansion of 5G networks, the increase in data centers, and the transformation into smart factories. This is impacting the supply chain from upstream to downstream industries. Link Upon supplies engineering plastic screws, parts, and other components to over 50 publicly traded Taiwanese Semiconductor equipment manufacturers and thousands of manufacturers, actively participating in carbon reduction efforts. 

This article will explore the trends and challenges of industrial parts from lightweight to reducing carbon emissions, examine the carbon footprint data of plastic screws versus metal screws, and finally discuss Link Upon’s strategies in energy management and big data application, gradually working towards the realization of real-time scientific sustainable factories. 

Trends and Challenges in the Transition from Lightweighting to Low Carbon Emissions

As awareness of green and environmental issues has spread in recent years, the manufacturing industry has placed greater emphasis on energy-saving and shortening process cycles.   From material selection, process planning improvements, production control, human-machine interfaces, and production big data collection to quality prediction and other intelligent functions, every aspect is finding ways to reduce carbon emissions and improve overall production efficiency.

In the plastics industry, materials selection and structural design techniques for high-value lightweight products have been developed for over a decade. Replacing certain metal materials with plastics to achieve lightweight properties can be accomplished through structural design and high-specific stiffness composite materials, or by enhancing the strength of the resin to improve product performance.

The use of composites and polymers in manufacturing motorsport components is becoming increasingly popular. According to an article in Race Engine Technology from August/September 2023, these non-metallic materials offer several advantages over metal alloys. They allow for the production of lighter components without sacrificing mechanical properties due to their lower density. Additionally, these materials enable the creation of complex geometries and improved manufacturing efficiency, which can be more challenging with metal materials.

Further examining plastic resin materials, plastic structural components required for industrial equipment are mostly made from rods and plates, which are then manufactured through multiple CNC processing stages. This requires longer processing times and higher costs and generates more waste material. Therefore, besides the advantages of lightweight and the ability to produce complex and high-difficulty parts, the emphasis on carbon emissions is also a critical factor we need to consider in today's trends.

Link Upon has been dedicated to the development and application of various engineering plastic screws for decades, assisting clients in various industries by developing lightweight, strong, and cost-effective screws. The materials used include AURUM, PEEK+CF, PEEK+GF, PPS, PPGF, Nylon+CF and Nylon+GF, among others, selected based on requirements for high rigidity, high toughness, or resistance to chemical environments. Injection molding technology can avoid the high costs, excessive waste, and high carbon emissions associated with CNC manufacturing. Below is a comparison of the carbon emissions between plastic and metal.


Comparison of Carbon Footprint Data Between Plastics and Metals Screws

Compared to metal screws, plastic screws have significantly lower carbon emissions. According to data from the government's official "Carbon Footprint Information Platform," plastic screws from Link Upon have carbon emissions that are only 0.7% of those of metal screws. Please refer to the table below for the data.


A Brief View on Link Upon's Energy Management and Big Data Application Strategies to Gradually Achieve a Real-time Scientific Sustainable Factory

In terms of processes, Link Upon introduced a production agile management system in 2020, in collaboration with SI system integration companies, to visualize production and equipment management. This scientific approach enhances efficiency and accumulates data for subsequent intelligent functions such as product quality prediction and predictive maintenance of equipment. The extensive data forms a production history, which improves yield and reduces carbon emissions caused by waste products.

In carbon management, after completing ISO 14064-1 organizational greenhouse gas inventory third-party certification in 2022, Link Upon immediately began improvements based on the inventory. This included replacing old high-carbon-emission equipment with new high-efficiency equipment and implementing company-wide energy-saving measures. In 2023, Link Upon introduced the ISO 50001 energy management international standard and ISO 14067 product carbon footprint certification, both of which received third-party certification in 2024 Q1.

Energy saving and carbon reduction are integrated into operations by complying with energy-related regulations and prioritizing the procurement of energy-saving products. A digital HR system was introduced to reduce paper usage and promote environmental friendliness. Additionally, energy-saving tips are regularly shared to extend these practices beyond the company and into employees' homes, allowing everyone to experience the company's new environmental strategies. Decision-making and outcomes are communicated to all employees, fostering a culture of participation and awareness in the company's environmental initiatives.

Engineering plastic screws, with their advantages of being lightweight and having a low carbon footprint, are becoming the preferred choice in modern industry. Link Upon actively promotes energy management and the application of production big data, gradually achieving the goal of an intelligent and sustainable factory. Through the implementation and execution of international certifications such as ISO 14064-1, ISO 50001, and ISO 14067, the company has made significant progress in energy saving, carbon reduction, and improving production efficiency. Additionally, Link Upon advocates for full participation, implementing environmental strategies from operations to family life, fostering a green corporate culture, and laying a solid foundation for future aspirations.

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