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Yifu Factory received the “Safety-compliant Enterprises” commendation from the Dongguan Municipal Authority.

Yifu Factory, a subsidiary of Link Upon in China , proudly embodies the business philosophy of "Cooperation, Mutual Assistance, and Symbiosis". The factory is based in Dongguan and was recognized as one of the "Safety-compliant Enterprises" models of Dongguan City by the Municipal Government in March 2024. This recognition highlights the company's commitment to political stability, social stability, safe economic operations, healthy cultural activities, sound legal systems, and employee satisfaction.

The company believes in the power of teamwork and values integrity, proficiency, leading, and co-prosperity. Despite fierce competition, Yifu Factory strives to make all members feel at ease and have a sense of belonging. The management team thanks all the colleagues for their hard work and support. They are the real winners of these awards!
We are excited about the prospect of working closely with all team members to uphold our dedication to being a 'Safety-Compliant Enterprise'.  Let's persevere together, nurture collective development, and strive to make each day a happy day.

Drawing & Writing Materials Div. China Factory
CEO Peng Lee 

Let us solve problem